Friday, October 16, 2015


Blog Post:

Now that the quarter is over, think about the grades that you have received in your classes.  Do you think these grades are deserved?  Why or why not?
a) Yes because every work we do gets graded, and even if we dont do it, we failed it so it all depends on us if we do it or not. its down our responsibilty 

What have you learned in your classes this past quarter?  What have you learned about yourself?  
In this class i have learn about gramar and verbs, nouns in otther clases like art we learned how to shade, in math we learning about angles and coordinate planes et.. and in biology the teacher is teaching us about cells.

How are you going to use this knowledge about yourself to change/better your study habits and grades in the future?  What could you have done better in the past quarter?
I should of do all my work and pay more attention to things and not get distracted easily by talking.

What are some things you would like to see from your teachers in the next quarter?  How can your teachers help to make your academic experience more meaningful?
Some things i wanna see from teacher is helping us in what we need. Teachers can help us by being there were we need some help.

Finally, talk about the future.  How do you think the next quarter will look once you change your habits and ways?  Do you anticipate better or worse results?
Next quarter i would try to do my best and try hard on things, and if i try i think i would have a better grade.

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